Dorset Based?  You’ll find all the listing forms below.

Equestrian company or service?

Dorset Instructor?

Use these forms to add your details: scroll down for company and instructors listing forms. If you have any problems or queries, please email or give us a call.                01305 852270

Listing prices:
Free listing for basic contact details.

Paid listing is £10 (first year promotional charge) and includes all contact details, links to your web-site, photo’s, logo and business cards in Warmwell Saddlery. Thereafter, £15 annual renewal fee to retain listing. Your company must be in Dorset: Confirm this by clicking the confirmation button.

Feature pages start at £95 for a whole page about your company. Feature pages remain on site for as long as the annual £15 renewal fee is paid, or we are asked to remove the listing. Most of our feature pages have been on site for over 5 years. This makes our feature pages exceptional value – particularly for those who do not have their own site – a useful extension for those who do. Click here for full Terms and conditions.

Give us a mention!

For a free listing complete the green section only.

For a paid listing, complete the orange section. If you want your company address listed, click the red check box to confirm this. 

All companies must be Dorset based. Click the red check box to confirm this, or your listing will not be accepted.

For paid listings

Please attach pictures (and a logo if you have one) to an email. 

If you bank on-line our sort code is 40-19-21, Account 21556770: please use your company name as the reference.  We can take card payments, please call the shop 01305 852270.

TW Equine Dentistry

Tom Elmes, Equine dentistry


Whitehorse Safety

Sellick and Co.

Warmwell Saddlery

Warmwell Stables

Portmore Electrical Ltd

Jodie Loveday Equestrian

Complete this section for a free Listing

Dorset Based?

12 + 1 =

Complete this section for a paid company Listing

Add address to listing?

Dorset Based?

1 + 5 =

If you wish to send a logo or 1 or 2 photo’s, please attach to an email. (Paid listings only.)

Get more for not very much!

Aimed at  promoting local equine related companies and services, a paid listing is exceptional value for money. From the smallest company to the largest, Equestrian Dorset offers a quick and easy link to your business, to anyone with a telephone.

For card payments please call 01305 852270

Details for bank transfer payment:

Warmwell Saddlery (business account)

Sort code:  40-19-21    Account:  21556770

Please use company name as reference.

PayPal option opposite.

Please contact us for feature page information and prices: basic information page with pictures starts from £95.

Business Listing

Dorset based instructor?  List your details for free.
Our instructors list is for Dorset based instructors only. If you are based in the county, you are welcome to add your details for free. All we ask is that you recommend Equestrian Dorset as often as possible!

Instructors Listing

15 + 14 =