Equestrian Dorset

Linking equestrianism in Dorset

A directory for only Dorset based equestrian companies and associated services.

Support local companies,
those who help to put money into the local economy, employ local people and support local events.

“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. ”
― Zig Ziglar


If you use a company that’s not listed, please tell them about Equestrian Dorset!
Not in Dorset? Take a look at the companies listed: most will be happy to assist with your enquiries and supply goods and services.

Are you looking for a Dorset based company?
Perhaps you’re the owner of a local equestrian company, or provide a service to the equine industry ?

The directory on Equestrian Dorset is easy to use but give us a call if you can’t find contact details for a company: we’ll try to find it for you.

Discover Dorset Companies

Or make your company easy to find!

Get your company listed!

For a free listing, use the form below. Click here for details about paid listings and feature pages.

Dorset Based?

Want to say more about you and your company? 

Go to the listing forms and add a link to your website, a detailed description and your logo –  for just £10 per year!